Autumn is magical in northern Minnesota. Pimushe Resort is surrounded by aspen, maple, and birch trees that make you feel like you are living in a magical world encased in gold. But what is is that makes these amazing colors come to life?
Summer and fall conditions affect the color vibrancy in leaves. The process starts during the summer. A warm, humid summer environment can help produce the best fall foliage. However, a slightly dry summer may increase the color display. Cooler summers can actually bring our favorite fall colors earlier than expected.
As summer transitions to fall, those cool, sunny days we love about autumn are the perfect combination for vibrant fall colors. For a little extra pop, a light frost may help improve the colors as well.
We can’t predict when peak fall color is, but mid-September is typically when we see the autumn glow hit northern Minnesota. As the leaves start to change, check the Minnesota DNR’s Fall Color Finder page for up-to-date information. Pimushe Resort is in the perfect location to experience the magic of the autumn season.